Choosing A Granite Worktop Supplier

Choosing A Granite Worktop Supplier

When it comes to choosing a new granite, marble or quartz worktop it’s not just about choosing the right colour, size or stone. Choosing a professional granite worktop supplier that you can trust is also an important consideration to make. In an ever growing...
Planning Your Kitchen Island Worktop

Planning Your Kitchen Island Worktop

Choosing the ideal kitchen island worktop for your kitchen can be a difficult task and there are a number of considerations to take into account when making your decision. In recent years kitchen islands have become increasingly popular for modern day kitchens. They...
Introducing Brazilian Granite Worktops

Introducing Brazilian Granite Worktops

One of the greatest aspects of the stone industry is the ever-changing and developing climate of the granite and stone worktops market. New quarries are constantly being restored or opened, bringing with them new discoveries in beautifully unique natural stone. At...